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Finding the Perfect Doula: How We Help You Connect Across Florida!

doula resources guest blogs pregnancy Dec 06, 2024
A florida sign and the 'Menstrual Doula' logo beneath it

Guest Blog by: Audrey Lem

Hey Hey!

Welcome to Menstrual Doula. Thank you for dropping by. We hope that you are interested in joining our community! If so, please join the family and sign up today. To our existing family, welcome back, and thanks for staying up to date.

I was catching up with an old friend and congratulating her on becoming a certified doula. Although she has been a doula for quite some time, I recently found out on a recent posting on her social media. We began chatting, and she informed me about the maternal care desert women experience in Florida. Fortunately, South Florida is saturated with OB/GYNs, Midwives, L & D Nurses, and certified doulas; however, it is different throughout the state.


Is this yet another contributing factor to maternal morbidity and mortality outcomes? Out of Florida's 67 counties, 12 counties are considered maternity care deserts, and 12 counties have low access to maternity care, totaling 24 out of 67 counties with little or no access to maternity care.

This blog entry points you in the right direction to seek maternal care if you are currently living or considering moving to any of Florida's maternal care desert regions. A doula can offer great assistance if you're looking for emotional support, physical comfort, or informational guidance. Want to know how a doula can assist you during your pregnancy? Please check out our previous post. Please view the list that we've created to find doulas servicing those areas by county.

If you are a doula servicing any of these areas, we encourage you to connect with us. By collaborating, we can ensure that expecting and postpartum mothers receive the most current information and services they need. At Menstrual Doula, we are committed to the fight against maternal morbidity and mortality, particularly among minority and Black women, who face rates that are ten times higher than those of other races. Together, we can make a significant impact in reducing these disparities and improving maternal health outcomes.

Furthermore, our goal at Menstrual Doula is to contribute to reducing maternal morbidity and mortality rates, especially among Black and Brown women. These groups experience significantly higher rates of complications and fatalities during childbirth. By maintaining an updated directory and comprehensive support, we aim to bridge the gap in healthcare and ensure that all mothers have access to the resources they need for a safe and healthy pregnancy and postpartum period.


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